Every few years a new public policy issue becomes au courant for authors. 每隔几年,公共政策领域的新问题就会引起作家们的关注。
It's reportable you know, public health issue. 这是大问题,事关公众健康。
It's a very big public health issue, which, unfortunately, has been ignored for too long. 这是一项重大的公共卫生问题。不幸的是,此问题已被忽略太久。
It is reported, a new domain name is suffixal and public the issue that registers leap is brought necessarily after registering. 据悉,一个新域名后缀公开注册之后必然带来注册剧增的问题。
Focus Events and Policy Punctuations: An Analysis of Change of Public Health Issue of the People's Daily 焦点事件与政策间断&以《人民日报》的公共卫生政策议题变迁为例
Conversion from a religion to another is not a matter of freedom, it is rather a public issue related to the very nature of religions. 从一种宗教改信另一种宗教并不是有关自由的事,而更大程度是有关真正信仰之实质的公众论点。
This is not a public issue, with hand-wringing and loud wailing, but rather a matter the human incarnated suffers silently. 这不是个公开的问题,双手紧握或是大声哭泣,更像是化身的人类默默忍受的事(这句我也有点乱)。
It does trouble us from that standpoint because it's very much a public health issue right now and there's no indication that a pig gave it to a human. 从这个角度上来说,它确实给我们带来了麻烦。因为这很大程度上是一个公共健康问题。现在并没有迹象表明猪把它给人类。
A recent poll carried out by a market research company called Public Issue showed the main opposition party is beating the ruling Pasok socialist party in voter support. 一个叫做[公众议题]的市场研究公司最近所作的民调显示,主要的反对党比执政的泛希腊社会主义运动党获得更多的选民支持。
The public issue of stocks shall not be permitted. 不得向社会发行股票。
Conclusion: Lymphedema is a public health issue deserving greater attention. 结论:淋巴水肿是一个公共的健康问题,而需要引起人们重视。
"Understanding whether hormonal contraceptive use alters the risk of HIV acquisition among women is a critical public health issue," the study authors wrote. 该作者同样声称,搞清楚激素类避孕药是否能改变女性感染HIV的风险是一个关键性的公共健康问题。
Vanished, too, was the public issue reporter Walker had presented, magically replaced by the personal problem of another dumb woman. 记者沃克所表述的公共问题也隐匿无踪,并被另一个沉默的妇女的个人问题魔法般地取而代之。
The problem of hunger in the world has become a major public issue. 世界饥饿已成为公众争论的一个主要问题。
It's like wiping out every year the whole population of children in Chicago or a city like Mersey, it's a very big public health issue which unfortunately has been ignored for too long. 这就像每年将芝加哥或者类似马赛这样的城市的儿童从人口中全部抹掉。这是一个非常重要的公共卫生问题,但很不幸被人们长时间忽略了。
However, recent increases in human rabies deaths in parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America suggest that rabies is re-emerging as a serious public health issue. 然而,最近在非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲部分地区出现了人类狂犬病死亡病例上升的情况,这说明狂犬病作为一个严重公共卫生问题重新出现。
The study also shows how important it is to shine a spotlight on domestic violence globally and treat it as a major public health issue. 研究还显示,在全球显著突出家庭暴力并将其作为一个重要公共卫生问题对待是多么重要。
The new estimates aim to improve knowledge about the extent of the problem, and draw public and professional attention to stillbirths as a significant global public health issue. 新的情况估计旨在改善对这一问题程度的认识,并使公共和专业人员的注意到死产属于一项重要的全球公共卫生问题。
Objective Food craving and addiction, except alcoholism, has received much attention in the area of psychology and behavior medicine recently, which is a controversial public health issue. 除酒类以外的食物渴求或成瘾是近些年来国外心理、行为医学领域十分关注的公共卫生问题,也是颇多争议的问题。
Cultivating talents with entrepreneurial skills has been a public issue in today's society. 创业型人才的培养是现今我国社会、经济和教育发展所共同关注的问题。
Food safety is one important public issue to people's health, as it not only involves in consumer's health, but also relates to stable society and it's government's prestige. 民以食为天,食品安全是一项关系到全人类健康的重要的公共卫生问题。它不仅涉及到消费者的健康,还关系到一个国家的社会稳定和政府的威望。
Peasant workers 'shortage in some coastal areas of our country has become a public issue since the first quarter of 2004. Meanwhile, labor security department proclaims the challenging employment prospect of this year. 2004年一季度以来我国沿海一些地方出现了民工荒。但另一方面,劳动保障部门强调今年的就业形势依然严峻,不容乐观。
With the transformation from planned economy to marketing economy, the functional authority in government has also been shifted from direct administration and interference with economic activities to policy making, public issue management as well as services provided towards the society. 在计划经济向市场经济的转变过程中,政府职能也由直接管理和干预经济活动,逐步转变成制定政策、管理公共事务和为全社会提供服务。
However, public issue of the second generation of migrant workers is not just the peasantry into the change in the identity of the public, is also a series of rights protection and public services equal to the implementation process. 然而第二代农民工市民化问题不仅仅只是农民变成市民这一身份的变化,同时还是一系列权利保障和公共服务均等的实现过程。
Food is important material to human being. As a global public issue," Food Security "has been concerned by states and international society. 粮食是人类赖以生存与发展的重要物质基础,粮食问题作为全球性公共问题,一直都受到主权国家和国际社会的关注。
The prevention and control of water pollution of Liangzi Lake is a typical public issue related to various departments, regions and fields. 梁子湖水污染防治是典型的跨区域、跨部门、跨领域的社会公共事务。
Then, the paper introduces the prevention and control of water pollution in Liangzi Lake and thus points out that it is a public issue which relates to cross areas, departments and fields. 接着介绍研究对象即梁子湖水污染防治的情况,指出梁子湖水污染防治是一个跨区域、跨部门、跨领域的社会公共问题,解决好这个问题具有重大现实意义。
This article from the perspective of public policy employment of people with disabilities, the purpose is to arouse the attention of the employment of persons with disabilities, recognizing the employment of disabled people is a public issue. 本文从公共政策的角度研究残疾人就业问题,目的在于唤起社会对残疾人就业问题的重视,认识到残疾人就业是一个公共问题。
Address this public issue, the government is the protagonist, the policy is the key. 解决这一公共问题,政府是主角,政策是关键。
As a new emerging media& the micro-blog, is developing into a major platform for information release and exchange, which played an important role in the formation of public issue. 微博作为近几年一种新兴的传播媒介,正以迅猛速度发展成为信息交流发布平台之一,并在公共议题形成方面发挥着重要作用。